
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Banana "Ice Cream" Fakeout

banana ice cream fake out, soft serve ice cream

So, the only problem I have with this recipe is that I didn’t come up with it myself!  I saw Rachael Ray make this quick and simple “ice cream” using only bananas and milk, and I had to try it.  The consistency is that of soft serve ice cream.   It’s ingenious AND healthy to boot!

In my haste to share this recipe, I didn’t invest too much time playing around with it.  When I’ve found the opportunity to experiment and come up with additional variations, I will share them with you. 

Until then, here’s how to make it.

To get the ice cream into scooping and stacking 
consistency, I froze it  for about 1 hour.

Banana “Ice Cream” Fakeout
Slightly adapted version of Rachael Ray's

3 bananas, frozen and cut into small chunks
1/4 to1/2 cup milk (I used 1% milk)
1 tbsp. agave nectar (optional, for added sweetness)
1 tsp. vanilla extract  

Start by pulsing banana in a food processor to break up the chunks. 

Puree bananas, adding milk, a little bit at a time, until mixture begins to smooth out.   Add vanilla and agave nectar.  Continue pureeing, adding more milk if needed, until mixture becomes thick, smooth, and creamy. 

Rachael says it should take about 2 minutes to whip.  It took me about 5 minutes.  I had to use a spoon to break up and redistribute the semi frozen mixture a couple of times when it seized up in the food processor.

The original recipe says to serve immediately, but if the consistency is too soft, I recommend freezing the ice cream for at least one hour to firm it up. 

Makes about 3 ½ cups.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chicken and Mozzarella Bite Kabobs

chicken and mozzarella stick bite kabobs, mozzarella sticks

Eating things off a skewer is always fun.  So, mozzarella sticks and chicken on a skewer is double the fun and double the deliciousness.  These baked tasty bites make great treats for the family or for a crowd (this recipe can be easily multiplied).

I recommend taking the time to pre-toast the Panko crumbs to obtain a golden brown finish as the cheese and chicken require a short baking period.  If you don’t have the time, skip the skewering and serve with skewers on the side and dig in!

Chicken and Mozzarella Stick Bite Kabobs

4 mozzarella cheese sticks, cut into fifths
1/4 pound boneless chicken breast (slightly more is okay)
3/4 cup Panko bread crumbs
1/4 cup flour
3/4 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 1/2 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
1 egg
1 tbsp. milk
1/8 tsp. salt
a pinch of pepper
20 skewers

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Beat egg and milk to make an egg wash.  Set aside.  Place flour in a small bowl.  Set aside. 

Spread Panko crumbs evenly on a cookie sheet.  Bake until crumbs are golden brown, about 3 minutes.  Stir halfway if Panko begins to brown unevenly.  Remove from oven and allow to cool.  Place in a small bowl and stir in Italian seasoning and Parmesan cheese.

Working in batches of 4 or 5 pieces at a time, roll mozzarella in flour, shake off excess, dip into egg wash, and roll in Panko mixture.  Place on a plate.  Continue to coat all of the cheese.   Freeze for 1 hour to prevent oozing during baking.

Meanwhile, cut chicken into 20 small bite size pieces (about 1 inch thick each).  Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper.  Use the same dredging process as for the mozzarella, dipping in flour, then egg, then Panko.  Place on a greased cookie sheet.  Can be chilled while waiting for the cheese.  Do not freeze.

Remove mozzarella from freezer after one hour.  Place on a greased cookie sheet.  Spray top of cheese with cooking spray.  Spray top of chicken with cooking spray.  Bake both in a preheated 375 degrees F oven for about 8 minutes.  The chicken is done when it becomes white inside; do not over bake.

To serve, work quickly to place one chicken and one mozzarella bite on each skewer.  Serve with marinara sauce.  Makes 20 skewers.

To double the recipe, use these measurements:

8 mozzarella cheese sticks, cut into fifths
1/2 pound boneless chicken breast (slightly more is okay)
1 1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs
1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
3 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
2 eggs
2 tbsp. milk
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
40 skewers

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Instant Oatmeal Cereal Cookies

instant oatmeal cereal cookies

I wanted to come up with an oatmeal cookie recipe that is unlike any I have ever seen and offers more nutrition than a traditional recipe.  It occurred to me that the perfect solution would be to use a high fiber instant oatmeal cereal as the base.  The one I use is cinnamon flavored with a whopping 10 grams of fiber per packet!  And, because it is a breakfast cereal, it is also enhanced with minerals and vitamins including folic acid.

When you do the math, this recipe uses 8 packets of oatmeal cereal and produces 36 cookies, resulting in cookies that have over 2 grams of fiber each!

It’s a treat I can feel good about eating and serving to the kids.

Instant Oatmeal Cereal Cookies

8 (1.58 oz.) packets of high fiber cinnamon instant oatmeal cereal
1 cup flour
2 tsp. baking powder
8 oz. butter, softened
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup egg substitute

Preheat oven to 350 degree F.

Combine oatmeal cereal, baking powder and flour.  Set aside. 

Beat butter and sugar until smooth and creamy.   Add egg substitute, beating for about 1 minute. It will look lumpy.   Add the dry ingredients and blend well using a wooden spoon.  Dough will be sticky. 

Using a small ice cream scoop (equivalent to one tablespoon), drop batter onto a greased cookie sheet.  Spray hands with cooking spray and press dough into 2” to 2.25” wide discs.  Bake for 10 minutes.  Don’t over bake.  Allow to cool on cooling rack.  Tends to soften when stored at room temp.

Makes about 36 cookies.


The guys in my house prefer the drier version slightly more.  For this version, reduce egg substitute to  1/4 cup.  Batter will be thick, using hands to incorporate the dry ingredients into the wet is recommended.  No need to spray hands to press cookies flat.  Bake for 8 minutes.  Don’t over bake.